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The Two Spiritual Currencies

Time and Attention, our two Spiritual Currencies. This analogy can be seen very readily in the sayings 'spending time' and 'paying attention'.

Whatever information or endeavours we put our time and attention toward, we end up getting something in return for that investment. This return could come in the form of knowledge, understanding, skills, or expertise. However, this only happens if we invest our spiritual currencies wisely. We should seek to improve the quality of our attention by directing it towards information that is capable of improving both our own lives, as well as the human condition as a whole.

Such an effort would constitute a valuable investment of our time. We should more frequently ask ourselves the questions:

“What am I spending my time on?

What am I paying attention to?”

And most importantly,

“What kind of quality am I getting in return for these investments of my spiritual currencies?"

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