--> / Online Guide

The Real Natural Law

You are free to share this guide with as many people you like. It is crucial to our freedom that more people will be exposed to this great body of knowledge and act on it.

As a whole, the body of knowledge presented here has the potential to save humanity from its current state of slavery.

Natural Law

Natural Law is a set of universal, objective, eternal, non-man-made, binding and immutable conditions which govern the consequences of behaviours of beings with the capacity for understanding the difference between harmful and non-harmful actions.

Objective Morality

The understanding of Natural Law is centred upon bringing one’s own conscience into alignment with objective morality. This means definitively knowing which behaviours are rights; because they do not cause harm to other sentient beings, and which behaviours are wrongs because they do cause harm to other sentient beings.

Exercising Conscience

Living in harmony with Natural Law means exercising conscience, and wilfully choosing morally right behaviour over morally wrong behaviour, once the difference between the two is clearly understood.

Cause & Effect

When people begin to live in harmony with Natural Law in the aggregate, and are therefore moral, they become and remain free. When people live in opposition to Natural Law, and are therefore immoral, they become and remain enslaved.

Positive Change

If you want to come to a proper understanding of what Natural Law is exactly, and how it works in the world around you. If you wonder how it came to be that relatively small groups of people calling themselves governments control the lives of billions of people worldwide. If you want to definitively know the difference between right and wrong behaviour, and make a positive change in your own life and the lives of the people around you, this will be of interest to you.

If you have any questions regarding any of the topics written about you can join our Telegram group and start a conversation.